1. Is running bad for your knees?

Running is generally not bad for your knees if you do it right.  Most knee injuries from running are caused by poor form, or overuse. 

  1. Can running damage your knees? If so, how?

Poor form, the wrong footwear, and overuse can all cause knee problems when running.  

  1. What are the common mistakes people make when running and therefore end up injuring themselves?

Not stretching correctly before a run can cause injury.  Wearing the wrong footwear, or old worn out training shoes can increase the impact on your joints, causing soreness and leading to injury.  Running too often, too soon can also lead to injury.  A lot of people sign up for Running Every Day aka “RED” challenges.  This sudden increase in activity when you are not used to it, and more than likely not ready for it, will lead to injury.  

  1. What impact does running have on your body's joints? 

Running has been shown to strengthen muscles and bones which, in turn, supports the joints, making you less likely to get injured.

  1. How can you protect your knees from injury? 

Stretch your legs, including the muscles around your knee before you start to run.  Take it easy, not every run has to be hard.  Don’t overuse your legs.  Strength training alongside running will strengthen your muscles and bones making you less susceptible to injury.